Join our Troupe!
We're incredibly excited to add some fresh talent and TONS of stage time in the coming months!
Cabaret San Jose is accepting video audition tapes.
For your video audition, please include:
~Your name
~Your current city
~general Availability for rehearsals
~A video of a choreographed dance including: a double pirouette (a triple is better), any sort of split/tilt/extension (a grand battement will suffice), a leap or jump of your choice (perhaps an axel or tour jeté), and some floor work. complete the piece with an act or movement that shows your best self, be it burlesque, classical dance training, aerial stunts, etc.
~Feel free to submit any additional promo videos, demo reels, past performances, etc.
~All submissions should be emailed directly to cabaretsanjose@gmail.com, or sent via Youtube link. Please title your subject with your name/stage name + "Video Audition."
~After our judge panel reviews your submission, we will consider having you join our company for a call back.